2024-25 Tuition Assistance Options
At St. Patrick School, we share Archbishop Vigneron's desire that "every family who wants a Catholic education for their child should have one." We encourage all families to apply for financial assistance. There is support available through the Archdiocese of Detroit, a local tuition fund and the St. Patrick School Foundation. Financial awards are based on needs and the process is kept confidential.
The Archdiocese of Detroit extends tuition assistance grants to Catholic families with children in grades K-12 attending Catholic Schools. All Catholic families wishing to apply for tuition assistance at St. Patrick School must complete this application through the AoD before being awarded local funds. This program can be found at https://www.detroitcatholicschools.org/tuition-assistance-scholarships
Sign-up and make monthly payments on the Facts website. Click on the link below!
St. Patrick School Foundation Large Family Incentive
Register 3 students and the 4th students are ALWAYS FREE.
If you are Catholic you must apply for AOD Assistance to be considered for the Local Fund. Unless you are a NEW Family or a NON-Catholic Family.